Hip Injuries
Physical Therapy Treatments
Core Physical Therapy evaluates your symptoms and creates a treatment plan that gets you back to a better you.
Hip Injuries & Treatments
Hip injuries can wreak havoc on your ability to function in normal, everyday life.
Hip Flexor Tendinitis (Iliopsoas Tendinitis)
The hip flexor muscles are located on the front of the hip and inside the pelvic bone. Flexing the hip (such as when marching) repeatedly can cause inflammation to the tendons. Athletes predisposed to hip flexor tendinitis include ballet dancers, cyclists, rowers, track and field participants, soccer players, and gymnasts.
Treatment for hip flexor tendinitis will include strengthening the weak muscles found on the exam, working on the tendon manually as needed, loading the tendon to improve healing as appropriate, and progressing strengthening exercises so the athlete is able to return to their sport.
Gluteus Medius Tendinopathy
The gluteus medius muscle is located on the outside of the hip. This muscle keeps the pelvis level while walking and standing on one leg. With gluteus medius tendinitis, there is pain and tenderness over the lateral part of the hip. At times, this pain may radiate down the outside of the thigh. This problem is most commonly found in runners although often occurs without cause. Findings include pain with stairs, running, lying on the affected side, prolonged sitting, and sitting with legs crossed.
Treatment choices will depend on when the pain began. If early, then rest, ice, pain-free exercises, and anti-inflammatories may abolish the problem. If the pain has persisted longer than a month, treatment will include strengthening of the weak hip musculature, manual work such as deep friction or soft tissue mobilization, joint mobilization, dry needling, improving shoe wear, and modifying activity level temporarily. For runners, checking running mechanics and modifying their training program is vital.
Hip Impingement/Labral tears
The hip socket has a fibrous ring that lines the outer rim of the socket called the labrum. The labrum provides a tight seal and adds stability to the hip joint. Hip impingement (medically known as femoroacetabular impingement) is a pinching that occurs to the hip often due to an abnormality to the ball or socket of the hip joint. Often, the labrum can be damaged when friction or pinching occurs. Excessive hip mobility, weak hip musculature, and hip tightness to the back of the hip may predispose an athlete to hip impingement. Pain and sometimes catching or popping is felt in the groin and possibly buttocks and can be exacerbated during sporting activities, especially those requiring twisting, turning, squatting, pivoting, and climbing.
Non-surgical treatment for hip impingement includes strengthening exercises of the weak hip muscles, joint mobilization and stretches to improve joint mobility to the back of the hip, soft tissue work if needed, and activity modification.
If conservative care does not allow for adequate recovery, surgical intervention is an option. An arthroscopic repair of the labrum may be performed as well as surgical management of any bony deformities. The athlete will return home the same day wearing a hip spica brace using crutches. It is important to avoid or minimize weight-bearing in order to prevent re-tearing of the labrum. Therapy will begin within a week from surgery with a focus on education, manual work, and modalities to lessen pain, gaining hip mobility safely, and improving lower extremity strength.
A stationary bike will be started within the first 1-2 weeks of therapy. By 4-6 weeks, weight-bearing will be gradually introduced and weight-bearing exercises will be added to the exercise program. Emphasizing glute strength and restoring hip joint mobility is extremely important. Manual work may be needed to lessen muscle tension. Return to the sport may vary widely from 4-8 months and will depend on successfully completing the functional testing exam. These time frames may vary widely depending on the surgeon.
Just amazing, feels like family the people are so nice and know exactly what there doing. 20/10 would recommend. She goes the extra mile so I can!
Why Choose Core Physical Therapy to Treat Your Hip Injuries?
The physical therapists at Core Physical Therapy have special training needed to treat vestibular conditions. We offer an hour long, one-on-one evaluation to ask all of the necessary questions and perform various tests to determine the cause or root causes of your dizziness or balance problems. We will analyze the information and listen to your needs and concerns, then work with you to come up with the best treatment plan for your problem.
Let Core Physical Therapy help treat your hip injuries and get you back on track quickly!
Meet The Core Physical Therapy Team
Brenda Miller PT, MPT, OCS, CLT, CMTPT
Owner & Physical Therapist
Brenda Miller is the founder and owner of Core Physical Therapy. She earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Exercise Science from Pennsylvania State University, then completed her master’s degree in Physical Therapy from Arcadia University in Glenside Pennsylvania.
Morgan Chocklett PT, DPT
Physical Therapist
Morgan Chocklett earned her Bachelor of Science Degree in Exercise and Health Promotion from Virginia Tech (GO HOKIES!!) and her Doctorate of Physical Therapy from Mary Baldwin University. She is thrilled to be back in Blacksburg and flaunt her maroon and orange!
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Core Physical Therapy Specializes In
Running Injuries
Running injuries are common whether you are a novice or competitive runner. Training errors, inappropriate footwear, mechanical faults, weakness or flexibility may be the issue. At Core Physical Therapy, we provide a comprehensive evaluation that addresses posture, strength, shoe wear, flexibility and range of motion. Your running will be videotaped and analyzed for mechanical faults. Following the exam, you will learn about potential causes for your pain and how to treat it with exercises, changes in shoe wear or specific suggestions on how to improve your running mechanics
CrossFit Injuries
CrossFit has become extremely popular over the past twenty years. The program emphasizes cardiovascular endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, agility, and balance. Occasionally, Crossfit athletes suffer an injury due to training errors or improper technique. The physical therapists at Core are trained to assist CrossFit athletes by improving their technique or any deficits they may exhibit with strength, flexibility, or joint mobility. Videotape analysis may be used to break down movement patterns to better assist with improving technique.
Student Athletes
Core Physical Therapy works with many student-athletes from Virginia Tech and the local elementary, middle, and high schools who injure themselves while participating in their sport. The athletic background of the physical therapists gives them a better understanding of what is required to return to competitive athletics. We treat overhead athletes such as volleyball, tennis, baseball, and softball players as well as gymnasts, runners, swimmers, bikers, and soccer players among others. Common injuries involve the shoulder, back, knee, and ankle. We try our best to accommodate the student-athletes schedule by offering early morning and late treatment hours.
Post Surgery Rehabilitation
If conservative management is unsuccessful in relieving pain and disability, surgery may be an option. The quality of physical therapy following surgery will greatly impact recovery. At Core Physical Therapy, we take your recovery very seriously. We make it a point to understand what was done surgically and will communicate with the surgeon as needed. Common surgeries seen at Core include but are not limited to ACL reconstructions, meniscectomies, spinal fusions, discectomies, carpal tunnel repairs, labral repairs, rotator cuff repairs and joint replacements to the shoulder, knee, and hip.
Dizziness | Vertigo | Balance Difficulties
The prevalence of falls increases with age. Vision, strength, sensation, and the inner ear (vestibular system) work together to maintain balance and equilibrium. If any of these systems are not functioning optimally, dizziness, and poor balance may result in increasing the risk of falls and severely impacting the quality of life. At Core Physical Therapy, an evaluation will be performed to determine the cause of the imbalance or dizziness. Treatment will be implemented to address the deficits to restore balance and resolve the dizziness.
Breast Cancer And Lymphedema
The number of cancer survivors continues to increase in the USA due to better treatment. Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers among women. Cancer and the treatment for cancer may lead to problems such as scar tissue and mobility restrictions, weakness, cancer-related fatigue syndrome, cording (axillary web syndrome), and lymphedema (post-cancer edema). At Core Physical Therapy, we have a certified lymphedema specialist who is able to address these issues with lymphatic manual drainage, bandaging, exercises, manual work, stretching, and cardiovascular conditioning.
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922 University Blvd, Suite 204
(Behind Macado's Restaurant)
Blacksburg VA 24060
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